I would hope so.
By reading the absolute rubbish in your reply above, only a bleeding heart liberal with no concept of the world we live in today would make the comments you did above.
Why because I dont tow the "party line" and believe everything the US government tell the world? The US government is the most corrupt and secretive shady government in the world!
War of provocation in Afghanistan? Hahahahahaha... !!!!
I'll make this simple for you.
Afghanistan harbors Taliban...Taliban harbors Al Qaeda...Al Qaeda attacks United States of America. And we were the provocateurs?
Al Qaeda attack the United States... strange how the US decided to turn a blind eye that day despite all the warnings dont ya think?
Oh on a side note why don't you ask the FBI who "done it"? They say that there is "no proof" that Bin Laden had anything to do with the attacks on 9/11. So how can you invade a country without proof of any wrong doing?.... ahh hold on a minute this is America were talking about... But it was ok to invade Iraq cause they had oil... erm I mean WMD's... oh no they didn't it was just oil after all.
You're having a laugh Andy. Please don't tell me we had no right to go in and take out the Taliban. You already look like a fool for your commentary above but that Iraq and Afghanistan comments really take the cake. When I hear spineless people tell me that the USA had "no right" to attack the Taliban, conversation ends. It tells me they aren't even willing to concede to basic logic and understanding.
Seems like your very passionate about your beliefs which i respect... I disagree with your opinion though
So you're saying we should have "negotiated" with them?
No. I think the US shouldn't have stirred up such hatred to start with in the middle east. Its like prodding a wasps nest with a stick and then wondering why a thousand wasps suddenly start stinging you!
The biggest threat to world peace isn't NK, Iran, China, Iraq... its the US of A
2900+ dead people say go *&^% yourself.
Try asking your government to look in to this properly and hold an independant enquiry as to what happened that day, rather then sweeping all inconsistencies under the carpet and be incredibly secretive as per usual.
BTW i'm not saying the loss of 2900 isn't extremely tragic or an appalling thing to happen, I just don't think the US government is being straight with those effected by this tragedy
Come back to us when you have something of substance vs. parroting liberal bull**** lines.
These are my own opinions... i'm not parroting anyone
"USA bent on world domination. War for oil. Halliburton. Chimpy McHitler Bush. Guantanamo. Abu Gharib. Blackwater."
You could have just said all of the above and been just as effective than parsing my post and responding to each comment. In short. Get educated. Get informed. Understand the world we live in. Then get back to us with when you have something of real substance to say.
I'm pretty sure I did mention most of these things in either the post your referring to or one previous.
But please save the liberal bile you just spewed above. No basis in fact at all.