Barack Obama is easily the most inexperienced politician running for President in our nation's history.
One term in the Senate.
That's it.
What has he done in that one term? Absolutely nothing.
Obamamania is here to stay but he's gonna get killed in the general election. Why? Two things:
1) Our country has never elected a northern liberal as President and Obama is as liberal as they come. Kerry, Mondale,'re gonna add Obama to that list in a few mos.
2) Obama, like his Democratic predesessors has virtually no chance of carrying the southern states and to win the election, he's gonna have to win several of them. He won't.
I'm not a big fan of McCain but in this day and time, we need someone with experience. I wouldn't have wanted Clinton to be sure but had she won the nomination and beaten McCain, I'd have at least felt a bit more comfortable with Hillary on national security issues.
Obama doesn't have a clue and has run his entire campaign on feel good talking points.
I'm looking very much forward to Obama vs. McCain in the nationally televised debates. Talking points won't help either candidate there and unfortunately for Obama, that's been his entire campaign to date..."Hope, Change, etc...".
I won't even go in to the many, many gaffes he's committed during this campaign as they're all fairly well publicized which is a shocker considering he's the darling of the MSM. But his political inexperience is just mindboggling.
Here's a good commentary (DISCLAIMER: Written by blogger who's the proprietor of a website called "Right Wing News.") on why Obama's a weaker candidate than many think.
(ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: TX Bill is a charter member of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and has voted Republican his entire life. He's also older and knows better. This post is in no way an endorsement of John McCain.)