TX Bill
Player Valuation: £80m
How does your health care system work, Bill? Would I be right in assuming that each person takes out a policy and pays into it every month? Is the cost the same for everyone? Does a millionaire effectively pay the same as a grocery store clerk? Or would the millionaire simply bypass that system and pay the better doctors and hospitals for superior care if and when he needed it?
In my company insurance policy, the more you make, the more you pay into it. If you make less, then you pay in less but still get the same coverage as someone who makes more.
Now if you start getting into specialized treatments, doctors, etc., that are outside of what your insurance will pay, then if you can afford a better doctor/specialist, then you'll gladly pay for it.
But insurance will still cover the basics and that's not to say that you'll be lacking as the USA has a good hospital/medical facility system. Many plans also have some sort of copay system where regardless of coverage, you'll bear some of the costs, say 10-20%.