Now for an outsider looking into approach to the Presidential Race.
I've been following it carefully to try and obtain some sort of grasp as to how the US conducts its politics: in fairness, its been fantastic. The greatest show on earth, imagine a super massive X-Factor with nuclear launch codes for the winner.
Every single fact of policy and public speech are micro analysed and torn to pieces, amazing to watch. Its my feeling that a lot of people would accept someone who "ran a good campaign" rather than who is the most suitable candidate. Its mesmerising TV and I am impressed that its something that the whole county gets behind, a patrioism that is sadly lacking from back home.
Right from the off, there has been one person who said the right things and not been drawn into the petty, clearly rehearsed "outrages" at what the others are saying. His name is Obama. Clinton has showed her complete lack of class by not conceding the race last night and has been transparent all the way through, well advised and a phoney trading on her surname.
McCain does have vast experience and has served his country well, a true hero when you realise what he's been through. Its unfair to class him as the third term of Bush but his policies are a bit too similar - he does however, raise some good points about Iraq as progress has been made recently. There are a couple of things that worry me about him though, his phoney, freaky smile he cracks which an advisor has clearly told him makes me look good and the fact that I would say the country needs a wind of change and McCain will not deliver it. Obama is capable of doing such a thing.
Its clear to see that the Republicans favour Clinton out of the two as Obama scares them, he is more than capable of winning the November election and hopefully without Clinton on the ticket. If Obama chose this then I would say he is hypocritical as he has been preaching the need for change and Clinton does not bring that to the table, it would be just a move to appease those who voted for her. In short: playing the political game which the county could do without, in my opinion.
Obama is clear on the fact that healthcare needs a huge reform, many may mock socialised health care but it serves Canada, Britain and France (for example) much better than many, many Americans. The Drugs companies are getting richer and richer - a good example would be to watch CNN and count what percentage of the adverts are for medication. Most of them actually, now compare this to elsewhere in the world.
The US has a very damaged reputation in the world, and this needs addressing if they are to keep up their responsible role. Obama seems acutely aware of this and the need to talk to enemies aswell as allies. Thats diplomacy people. Yet he was slated by suggesting he would talk to non-allies of the US. I know, a bit more than most, about how this could heal old wounds created from past administrations.
But thats politics and ultimately its all about opinions. Not unlike footie really.
Anyway: ye mar.
I've been following it carefully to try and obtain some sort of grasp as to how the US conducts its politics: in fairness, its been fantastic. The greatest show on earth, imagine a super massive X-Factor with nuclear launch codes for the winner.
Every single fact of policy and public speech are micro analysed and torn to pieces, amazing to watch. Its my feeling that a lot of people would accept someone who "ran a good campaign" rather than who is the most suitable candidate. Its mesmerising TV and I am impressed that its something that the whole county gets behind, a patrioism that is sadly lacking from back home.
Right from the off, there has been one person who said the right things and not been drawn into the petty, clearly rehearsed "outrages" at what the others are saying. His name is Obama. Clinton has showed her complete lack of class by not conceding the race last night and has been transparent all the way through, well advised and a phoney trading on her surname.
McCain does have vast experience and has served his country well, a true hero when you realise what he's been through. Its unfair to class him as the third term of Bush but his policies are a bit too similar - he does however, raise some good points about Iraq as progress has been made recently. There are a couple of things that worry me about him though, his phoney, freaky smile he cracks which an advisor has clearly told him makes me look good and the fact that I would say the country needs a wind of change and McCain will not deliver it. Obama is capable of doing such a thing.
Its clear to see that the Republicans favour Clinton out of the two as Obama scares them, he is more than capable of winning the November election and hopefully without Clinton on the ticket. If Obama chose this then I would say he is hypocritical as he has been preaching the need for change and Clinton does not bring that to the table, it would be just a move to appease those who voted for her. In short: playing the political game which the county could do without, in my opinion.
Obama is clear on the fact that healthcare needs a huge reform, many may mock socialised health care but it serves Canada, Britain and France (for example) much better than many, many Americans. The Drugs companies are getting richer and richer - a good example would be to watch CNN and count what percentage of the adverts are for medication. Most of them actually, now compare this to elsewhere in the world.
The US has a very damaged reputation in the world, and this needs addressing if they are to keep up their responsible role. Obama seems acutely aware of this and the need to talk to enemies aswell as allies. Thats diplomacy people. Yet he was slated by suggesting he would talk to non-allies of the US. I know, a bit more than most, about how this could heal old wounds created from past administrations.
But thats politics and ultimately its all about opinions. Not unlike footie really.
Anyway: ye mar.