A sad day as our team look dejected as our fans were a final we should never have lost -
Brian Harris refused to be on that photo as the Catt had signed Kay after denying he was interested in signing him he confronted him in his office am - No way am I am after Kay your position is safe - pm came out of the pictures with a few players on the billboard by the Liverpool Echo stand in a big Poster Everton Fc land Tony Kay......Roy Parnell, regarded as a lucky mascot the year we won the league in 1963, he appeared on the photo’s in the dressing room the day we beat Fulham to win the league, think he was twelfth man in a lot of games that year, although the twelfth man never played those days as there were no subs, like Sandy Brown in the 1966 cup final
I checked that year out in my Blues bible 1945 we only played two inter war games - the 1946 season away at Sunderland we got beat 4-1 away........
Young legs and immense skill, takes ball off 60 ciggies a day and similar immense skill...its the natural order of things.The iconic Holy trinity and ex blues great Royson Vernon at Stoke -
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