Old Everton Pictures

Football programmes.com I think the site is, worth a visit. Ticket stubs can be sold for decent money. About 20 years ago I sold my dad's and my GP world cup stubs. 10 in total for £400. If my old man had still been alive he would have resisted but needs must when the devil rides :)
Thanks for that website. I'll check it out. I have a fairly big collection of programmes. Been a collector for years. Some I have a little money in. And some that I have nothing in. Keeping all my Everton stuff.
Beat 4-0 by Blackpool. Were our first team players not back from the war.
Thanks for that website. I'll check it out. I have a fairly big collection of programmes. Been a collector for years. Some I have a little money in. And some that I have nothing in. Keeping all my Everton stuff.
Beat 4-0 by Blackpool. Were our first team players not back from the war.
They were usually mixed sides depending on army bases etc who was near & mostly were all PE instructors in army bases all over the country......

Football programmes.com I think the site is, worth a visit. Ticket stubs can be sold for decent money. About 20 years ago I sold my dad's and my GP world cup stubs. 10 in total for £400. If my old man had still been alive he would have resisted but needs must when the devil rides :)
Sorry my first reply was cut short. My internet went down. We are having thunder and lightning. It can effect our internet.....
Anyhow ...thanks for that programme site. I'll check it out.
I'm starting to sell some of my non Everton stuff. I don't really like ebay. I've seen programmes sell on eBay for 50p. And the same programme then making £10. Hard to really judge.
And a local dealer recently offered me £10 for about 100 programmes. He was chased. I just want a fair deal. Not ripped off.
So anyhow.........thanks for that website. It's noted. And I'll be checking it out.....
