I remember it Joey,Granada have probably obliterated it considering the toxic content!!I remember the RS went into meltdown around that time when Forest dumped them out of the European Cup,Kick Off used to be on Granada on a friday night,at the end of the programme Elton Welsby played the song"The parties over"enough to say bullets in the post for Welsbylol
I was going to ask about it but you have answered it.

My dad loved Roy Vernon. He always said he was one of the best goal scorers we'd ever seen - compared him with Greaves and Law. He did say that he was always interested in money and when we signed Fred Pickering he was supposed to be on more money that Vernon. So much so, that according to my dad, he used to deliberately over hit the ball to Pickering so he couldn't get it and look slow. Good job the internet wasn't around at the time. And the 'gossip' was confined to the pub.