CATTERICK –‘THE BEST MANAGER IN BRITAIN’ {Shame they gave it to Don Revié in 1970 for coming 2nd } even Bill Shankly put a complaint in ...}
"Without doubt the best manager in Britain" . . . That is how Everton chairman Jack Sharp describes Harry Catterick, in his annual report to the shareholders, to-day. In referring to the club's championship success. Mr. Sharp states: “The master-planner was Mr. Catterick. He produced reserves to keep us narrowly in the lead, when we lost three of our key players in Howard Kendall, Colin Harvey and Alan Ball. "Towards the end of the season, with all our key players back, we won the championship handsomely, not as some sports writers implied by our chief challengers opting out, but by sheer ability and determination. It was a great compliment to Mr. Catterick's ability in finding placers and training them in the Everton style."
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