Old Everton Pictures

Captain Peter Farrell in the 1950s leads out in our white away kit - for @Bluerover & co -

Westy a bundle of joy sadly missed - reading his autobiography The championship in my keeping for the 3-4 time - he always had a weight problem as a big-boned lad - he had his famous Court marshals in the dressing room - on most players like a court trial all invented as pranks he did one on Sandy Brown who let it slip that his wife was away in Scotland one weekend & Westy put it about that Sandy was having an all night party so much the Catt warned Sandy not to go heavy on the ale that night -Sandy was astonished and when they had the court-martial - he went berserk - next day Sandy got his own back Westy telephoned him for a lift for training , and he left his phone off the hook - :lol:
Westy was late & got fined:lol:

for @westychan & co - this is the book you want, it comes up on e bay now & then or Amazon - around £3-99ish-;)-

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Love how Westy was a proper jokester!! : )
