Our 'Rules' + Moderator Defaults

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Staff member

We're busier than ever;

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This has prompted us, over in our plush mod central - to discuss our moderating stance for the season ahead.

The crux of the discussion is - can we moderate GrandOldTeam a little more leniently? Have we as a moderating setup become a bit miserable? (don't answer that...).

Anyway - it would be good to have some feedback on the below.
  • What should the moderating warning system be?
As in, how should the moderators of your Everton forum, moderate.

We last revised our community guidelines in 2008 - I think they're still applicable, but I think we could improve on how we ask and prompt the community to follow the guidelines.

Currently, if a moderator sees a post that goes against our guidelines - they hit 'warn' and have a predetermined setup like so;

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These allocate warning points - as below;

Warning System
30 Points = Suspended for 2 Days.
60 points = Suspended For 7 Days.
80 points = Suspended For 14 Days.
100 points = Permanently Banned.

Inappropriate Language: 10 points
General Behaviour Warning: 20 points
Off Topic: 20 points
Minor Spamming: 20 points
Posting Abusive/Offensive Material: 60 points
Spammed Advertisements: 100 points
10 and 20 point infractions expire after 30 days, the rest after 45 days.

The lower value warnings can be issued as a warning (0 points) at the discretion of the staff member.

You will be automatically notified via private message if you receive a warning - meaning the points wont mount up without you realising.

Can our system be better?

Is it easily understood?

Is it fair?

How do we keep GrandOldTeam 'sound' and civil, but don't go to far and lose the fun.

Above all - If you could setup the moderating structure for GOT, what would it be?

I know it's difficult blues, but serious suggestions/feedback please...
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I think off topic in some threads needs to have more warnings issued, but at the same time for less points (5?), with it ramping up for continued infraction. Make 5 pointers expire quicker too.
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I have been warned once from swearing, but it was handled ( by Groucho if my memory serves me well) very amiably and i think the mods, like most of the guys on here are fair as well as entertaining! Carry on chaps!
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Can't complain about the moderating. I have a fair few warnings when I have lost it but in general a pre-warning usually sorts me out when they can sense the toys are about to be thrown out of the pram. Very Fair.
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Personally, I think Off Topic should go. Sometimes little side notes warrant posting, if you were chatting in the pub there's no rules on where your conversation goes. Most of the threads deviate somewhat during their lifespan and a little humour or tangential chat never did any harm.
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