Pat Nevin on 5 Live

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Chinese Whispers!

FFS there may be some morons out there who take over a football club and sack the manager inside 5-6 weeks (Blackburn) but in their case they didn't exactly bring in the big new name and great signings did they? In any event - barring some fantastic manager and huge transfer budget - any sensible buyer would give credit where it's due with regard to Moyes and give him a decent chance (maybe not so tolerant of half a season's worth of 10th and 15th). Secondly they would be familiar with Moyes' standing in the game and given that Moyes wouldn't stand for any nonsense he'd go and get a decent job somewhere else it would be self defeating to admit to such a plan in advance of any potential takeover.
It's tripe. Propaganda put out by a board of directors and their hired help inside and outside the club to discredit a takeover.

If they put half the effort involved in their spin campaigns into making the club work as a business we'd be in halfways decent shape. They're a curse on EFC and and will bring the orgainsation much lower than it is at present.

Bang on mate just screwing with the fans its how they think of us at board level.
Remeber Pat was the guy who "absolutely assured us" Barga were "terrified" of the ****e only the previous evening on Channel five ( ****e TV)

Just like Pat knows "everyone" in Liverpool, he also apparently knows every one in Braga too.

And lives in Motherwell

Media whore plain and simple. If he just told 5 live the truth - he knows as little as the rest of us - he would not be asked back so regularly.

Lets no play his stupid games. And he is a Chelski supporter - he just played for us for a while.
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Watching motd the other night and linekar say something about moyes that i have never really thought about before - he was saying about some of the fans voicing there frustration with moyes and basically warned that the fans got fed up with curbishley winning nothing charlton, then after he left they dropped two divisions.

now thinking about it, its not a bad comparison should we be happy with mid table and the best moyes can give us with the money and players available to him our chance someone else, a load of players leaving and we slide slowly down the league?

im going with moyes tbh - ohhh backing moyes and saying that we missed hibbert - think im going to go have a lie down lol

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