Ya ma can have me pipe down her drawers !
That's up to you, mate
Ya ma can have me pipe down her drawers !
Hi mateThat's up to you, mate
Hi mate
You okay mate go in my thread.Howdy Carlos
So so smart. I wonder what job he'd had if he hadn't been born into that family. Naff all, the shredded wheat headed racist.He's very smart. He's steep atm. Will become more progressive when theres only two left. I love him.
SALISBURY, MD—Repeating identical comments he had made in June, July, August, September, and twice in November, increasingly nervous local man Aaron Howe responded to Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. Monday by once again stating this would be the end of the Republican frontrunner’s campaign, sources confirmed. “Well, that’s it—you just can’t say those kinds of things and expect to be taken seriously any longer,” said an anxious Howe, his voice quavering slightly as he spoke aloud the very same words he had previously uttered in reaction to remarks about Mexicans, women, the disabled, former POW John McCain, and a number of other targeted parties. “That’s the final nail in the coffin right there. There’s no way he’s coming back from this one.” At press time, a visibly tense Howe was steadily amassing the angst and exasperation that would be unleashed in his seventh expletive-filled exclamation of the year when he catches sight of the newest set of GOP poll numbers.
Can't remember if we've had this already, but in case any Birthers are interested, Ted Cruz was not born in the US. He was born in Calgary. Thanks, Canada.
I've wondered about how this would be possible. Reinterpretation of the natural-born citizen clause?
So so smart. I wonder what job he'd had if he hadn't been born into that family. Naff all, the shredded wheat headed racist.
It's an interesting one but to be honest that clause seems outdated. As an aside, I like having dual citizenship (US/Canadian)--an insurance policy of sortsI don't understand law enough to take a guess, but I remember from HS Gov't class being told you "have to be born within the borders of the US." Clearly that's not how this is being applied in Cruz's case (or Obama, depending on your facts.) Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship and only retains the US citizenship of the other parent.
It's an interesting one but to be honest that clause seems outdated. As an aside, I like having dual citizenship (US/Canadian)--an insurance policy of sorts
The Americans seem to delight in proving how thick they are. The guy who wants to give everybody healthcare, and crack down on gun ownership to try and stop mass shootings gets the lowest opinion rating in history, meanwhile this brain dead racist is popular!! Baffling.