Welcome back Wayne
There is no small irony that people (not just you) keep talking about Obama's approval rating being "historically low" or "lower than Bush" as a weapon to "prove" how dumb Americans are when the numbers they are referencing are completely incorrect.
Generally if you want to call someone stupid you shouldn't do it by saying a bunch of stupid stuff.
Obama's gallup rating is current 47%.
Not only is this not even close to the lowest in history, not even close to how low GW Bush got, it's not even Obama's lowest rating!
Bush had 22% approval in his final year.
Obama's approval rating in his final year v. Bush in final year: Obama is currently over double GW Bush's rating (114% higher).
... oh and Clinton leads over Trump in a general with a decent lead; Trump doesn't even poll better than Sanders in a general election (tied last I saw ... and Sanders is a COMMUNIST! don't you know ... Trump can't even poll higher than a dirty red!).
Republicans are very, very dumb (at least the current batch) but "Republicans" do not equal "Americans" despite how much the rest of the world wishes it were true for the lulz.
Well if they are not all Republicans, the Queen would like her colonies back thank you very much.......