Mitt Romney’s Niece Publicly Said Who She’s Voting For, And Mitt Is FURIOUS!
Wayne Dupree
Featured Contributor
When it comes down to common sense, Mitt Romney’s niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel, brings it to the table without question.
As you know, her uncle Mitt is working to create havoc against GOP frontrunner Donald Trump at the GOP convention in July of this year. He doesn’t want the successful businessman to win the GOP nomination, so he’s joined with the establishment to try to prevent that from happening.
Ronna isn’t playing those games. She sounds like she’s country-first and will abide by the will of the people. Imagine if all of our elected officials thought this way!
The niece of 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney wishes her uncle was in the White House, but vows she’ll support Donald Trump – the candidate
Romney publicly attacked in a brutal takedown speech last week.
In an interview by MSNBC’s
Chris Matthews in Detroit on Tuesday night – where Trump
sailed to victory in the state’s primary – Ronna Romney McDaniel said she believes the real estate billionaire is “committed to staying in the [Republican] party.”
McDaniel said that rallies she’s attended for Trump in Michigan are “not a traditional Republican crowd,” but that she’s “not surprised” he won the state handily.
“If he’s our nominee, I’m going to support him,” she declared.
She also said her uncle is not an option for the party’s nominee if there is a contested GOP convention this summer.
He said he’s not interested,” she said. “I wish he were president now. But I am pleased with our field. Let’s see what happens.
She’s an articulate and bright young lady. I am glad she’s taking this stand against her uncle and the powers-that-be. If more voters would take this approach, we could offset the establishment’s penchant for mischief and fight back.
I hope that does happen before it’s too late.
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