It's full of paedophile murderers mate. I wouldn't if I was you. Come with me to Butlins if you want to live.I know which half of Australia I'll be visiting.
It's a bit of an oversimplification but, as long as she's not being pimped or soliciting in a public place, then it's legal.Who can't legally offer sexual services
Difficult for me personally as everywhere I go I be pimping on my left side yeah that's the crip side.It's a bit of an oversimplification but, as long as she's not being pimped or soliciting in a public place, then it's legal.
It's full of paedophile murderers mate. I wouldn't if I was you. Come with me to Butlins if you want to live.
No kids are untouchable mate. You've just got to believe.Is that where all the touchable kids are?
No kids are untouchable mate.
No kids are untouchable mate. You've just got to believe.
No kids are untouchable mate. You've just got to believe.
Tell that to this sexy [Poor language removed].
technically, almost everywhere mate, this is from Wiki...I cant think of anywhere in Asia where its illegal.
technically, almost everywhere mate, this is from Wiki...
the red is where it's illegal