Homepage Article Rafael Benitez Appointed Everton Manager

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Again off the back of 1 preseason defeat. City, Chelsea and Utd are going to probably pummel us a few times this season as they have gone up levels and we look like we can't bring any game changing talent in. A lot of clubs are going to have that done to them too. We just aren't competing with them unless they get multiple injuries to their best players.

If we start negative and transmit that at Goodison then we can only have ourselves to blame, if everyone supports the team then let's see where that takes us. Nowhere near the CL spots obviously but our realistically obtainable goal is 7th.
What 7th, take a long hard look at that bolloxks squad that creak along Goodison park, a maggot infested dog turd weak as Shoite crap fest... 7th did you actually watch us last season, we're on a ski slope heading downhill with no brakes on.

Your a decent honest regular poster but surely to God you can see how far along we have fallen. Iwobi starting is just the icing on the ballbag team that's taking us down. This is like watching 'Sunderland till I die' on a slow-mo cringe Fest.
Without a doubt the away form was superb and if our home form was half as good as that we would probably be in the champions League as mad as that sounds ,but even under Carlo last season with people in the ground it would not have been pretty

Big time. But that should be par of the course now.

We need stability through thick and thin.
I don’t think I’d ever ‘accept’ a kopite manager but this season top 7/8 would probably persuade me to keep him on.

the reality is he will get us 12-14th and will have to go.

And that’s the thing that’s not being recognized by those who tell the fans to back him - he’s not being backed not only because he’s a kopite but because he’s a bang average/poor manager.

But 12-24th is probably where any manager would get this squad as it is.

Only reason why Carlo got a good points haul is down to his experience and being very defensive, which would've improved if he stayed.

But he didn't and now it's the great reset. Again.

A very good point about Ancelotti - the rumours are he was the one who jumped ship rather than being tapped up by Madrid.

he had the support of the fans - why was he so unhappy?

Champions League and a tilt at silverware while living in Madrid. Or Crosby and Everton?

I don't think there is that much of a mystery. Everton was a nice little earner for him, his son and his mate's son until something desirable came along.
We have a manager who plays dour and negative football and whose appointment completely splits the fanbase and in doing so is going to cause massive discontent when the season gets underway.
The squad is substantially the same. OK we have brought in a couple of squad players but haven't scratched the surface when it comes to the glaring problems. We still need a starting RB and RM and dynamism in central midfield .
In addition we still have a significant number of underperforming unmotivated players as a drain on the club.
The terrible nature of the squad clearly isn't down to Benitez but I would suggest that his lack of popularity and charisma doesn't help.
All in all the portents for the new season look pretty terrible.
I don't think that we will be in relegation difficulty but if we don't beat Southampton and lose heavily at Leeds Benitez will already be under great pressure and if Goodison really becomes toxic he and the team could be sacked into a vortex of negativity.
I don't think I've ever looked forward to a season less.
I have a real feeling of dread.
Seen somebody earlier (in the thread) claiming we have no sell-able players.

Well this is just typical of the mass hysteria that is prone to outbreak on here.

Pickford, DCL. Digne, Mina, Keane, Doucoure and Richarlison ALONE have a conservative value of £200 million. Yet some on here would have us believe we're heading for a relegation battle with a team full of rejects.

Get a grip blues.

I’d somehow metaphorically slapped myself in the face and come around to some kind of grim acceptance of where we where but yesterday’s result and over all performance certainly didn’t help . However, unlike some , I refused to get too excited about some silly friendly victories so I need to maintain the same opinion about yesterday despite immediate impressions .

The real business starts next week so onwards and upwards and let’s enjoy a crowd back at the ground whether you’re one of the ‘lucky’ ones there or not and hope for a comfortable victory. because the fans and certainly the manager need one and depending on how it probably goes sets the tone for them blokes tenure , a nice little 2 nil would go down very well thank you . We can only hope
The only shameful thing here is your incessant whinging and moaning about the same thing, day after day! Toys well and truly out of the pram! ?

He said he didn’t know anything about the players who had been away playing in international competitions. He also said it wasn’t a good performance. I don’t care for the guy but at least stick to what he actually said.

Imagine posting that about a pre season defeat "he looks lost" lol

Erm Kev this is a Champions League winning manager you're talkin about not Dunc and his cones.

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