You can suck what you want mate, not my cup of tea but each to their own whatever floats your boarquoting Mr. Wolf from Pulp Fiction "let's not start suck each other dicks quite yet"
Brighton played well then imoDoing well so far but Leeds has been the only decent team we've played, real test is seeing how we perform against City, Chelsea, Utd & the RS
Doing well so far but Leeds has been the only decent team we've played, real test is seeing how we perform against City, Chelsea, Utd & the RS
Get a grip is 8th good? its bang average. that is in no way good enough to justify a kopite in charge - sorry but europe is the minimum requirement
They're a bottom half team as are Southampton though, teams we really should be beating, like I said he's doing well but we haven't had a proper test yetBrighton played well then imo