Welcome back Wayne
There is, actually, a strategic consequence of the Falklands conflict that we didn't fully appreciate until several years later.
It must be remembered that the cold war was still going strong at this stage and on several occasions it nearly got very hot, very quickly.
Post Falklands, various nuclear reduction talks and treaties were agreed with the then USSR and we subsequently learned that this was due, at least in part, to the USSR underestimating the determination of Maggie and the British people in general. The USSR initial assessment of the Argentinian invasion was that we would not and could not mount an operation to take the islands back. That we did, and the manner in which we did, caused USSR to perform a total re evaluation of our capabilities and our willpower and brought them to the nuclear negotiating table sooner than would otherwise have been the case.
Just as well, then, that we sent our 'first eleven' south - Guards, Ghurkas, Paras, Royal Marines, SAS, SBS etc.
A mate of mine served in the Royal Navy during the Falklands war. He saw some pretty horrendous stuff and still has bouts of depression as a result. It’s never left him.......