But its that type of post that can cause misunderstandings,lol,once again how do you proove they are unemployed untill the court case?, its this type of talk thats demonizing the sick as well as the unemployed it really is one of my pet hates,its shows a lack of understanding (something i might add you've never shown in any of your posts).
I'm not in any way condoning this nonsense but britian seems to have no tolerance whatsoever at the moment and i find it sad and frankly the whipping boys of the media is the sick and the jobless and i'm sorry but thats utterly wrong.
Those toerags involved should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law of course becuase most of whats gone on is just gobsh1te lawlessness but some (in london) will have had genuine grevences (at least at first) and they must and should be heard,no doubt they will in the enquiry that will follow.