I feel it's going to be an horrendous pre season, linked to all kinds of mediocre managers.
pipe downFeel this week in the Martinez discussion thread needs retelling in Cat GIFS.
It starts badly Saturday evening.
Sunday, we were all out for him.
Monday, we just couldn't stop F5'ing.
Tuesday and Wednesday, we were just waiting.
Then we saw the press conference Thursday morning.
Roberto meanwhile was thinking about what a great season we have had.
And by Friday, nearly everyone had given up. Screw it, we'll wait til the end of the season.
Eat your heart out, @tommye
Go easy on him Tommy lad............... Nobody knows where their head is at the moment.pipe down
half a dozen gifs and you think you something?
Haven't been able to bring myself to read that yet, just can't stand any more of his nonsense.Dear. Me.
published 22.30.
What a manager!!We've been very fortunate not to be in a relegation situation this season with this joke in charge.
school discoGone all peaceful in here. Pubs must be open.
With Booby in charge....How do you sell your ticket on stubhub?
Skip through most of the crap he says and he's right in some parts. Whether he stays or goes, this summer is a massive summer, defining, one would say.Just when it was all going quiet......
He needs to learn to shush does Bob
Dear. Me.
published 22.30.