Probably the worst element of the last ten years has been the massive self entitlement developing in the fanbase. I've had lids in their teens on here call me a bad blue for not insisting we win the league every year despite me remembering winning our last league titles. That has combined with a generation of absolute knuckles who have grew up playing computer management games and thinking their revolutionary formation is the very thing the team is lacking.
We shouldn't stop striving to be as ace as Everton should be, and chide those who employed by the club who don't burst a gut trying to elevate us to a position that allows us to win stuff.
There is however a big amount of clubs who can claim that and themselves think their club are more special than the rest. It's largely dictated by money now and we don't have that, and haven't for a while.
Hopefully it will change but in the absence of a splurging a GDP of an African country on players, our only chance is slow but stable organic growth. It's an almost impossible job with the the constant flux of Premier League football but we have a manager with his faults but who is trying to do it organically, with a young talented squad he's piecing together.
Truth he is probably wont succeed as the odds are against him due to the game being how it is. But if you can't see what he's trying to do and the small steps were making then I find it puzzling. It's hugely improbable that someone could replace him and engineer sustainable success in a better manner.
Still, it's better to play the polarisarion game. It's the Internet after all.