Pereira would have won that tonight.
With what exactly?
Pereira would have won that tonight.
You little scamp youPereira would have won that tonight.
He did promise 71 points like.
He just doesn't want to overshoot that.
With you generally like. But I don't really feel like getting into it I'll leave it.
So in other words, you've got nothing.
99% of this board would recognise McCarthy not starting was at the very least a mistake, but you have a problem with me saying it for some reason.
Nice one.
breaking up the best holding midfield partnership up
playing Barkley deep
squeezing 3 wingers into a team
Palace play 10 behinf the ball and break with pace on the counter Martinez should of realised this and played a patient build up game even if it ended a 1-1 worse case scenario would of still got us 4th but he went for the goal difference and tried to blow palace out the water and it massively backfired
Nah mate...just don't feel like getting into a pointless interwebs argument with someone who is never wrong like.
Nah mate...just don't feel like getting into a pointless interwebs argument with someone who is never wrong like.
LOL! OK mate yeah! Anyway, putting you on ignore so I can have reasoned opinions when I log on here.
I liked what you done there.
Played the cool and sensible card but had a little jab at the end that will have him come back to you angered.
Nice tactics. The next card to play is something like this to whatever he responds.
It should lead to at least one angry PM or profile message and at the very least a neg rep.
Tubes you know what you're doing, get into him.
I've got no reason to - I didn't even say anything controversial and I genuinely have no clue who the bloke is!!!
Shhhh and get playing cards. A good argument here will take the sting out of the forum tonight.