Player Valuation: £50m
Utd are buying Greizman(spelling)Only way I see Chelsea coming in for him this summer is if Costa goes and I personally don't see that happening, think all this talk of China is him and his agent bluffing their way to a new contract.
As I've said, there's very few clubs in the world who could afford to buy him off us and most of those don't need him anyway. If he goes anywhere else in England I can see it being United but hopefully that's a while off if it happens at all.
City have Jesus and are going for a Dortman player
Chelsea have Costa and he to lazy for the Chelsea manager
Tot/RS can't afford him
Barca won't want him
Real Madrid...possible
PSG...maybe but I don't think he want to go to a crap league.
I said this last summer, no one will buy him and he won't be leaving...everyone insisted he was but no one could name a club who would buy him.