Ronald Koeman Sacked

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£200M should get you a better squad than this.

It is a scandal we are in this position.

No manager before had that sort of spending power and there's no way we should be in a relegation dog fight, but we are.

Forget the 25 years tragical history tour, this situation has it's own dynamic.

Kenwright and his cronies bear far more responsibility for the state of this club is in right now then Koeman does. Just as they did under Martinez. Losers at the very top make for losers in the middle aka the manager and losers on the pitch. They are content with mediocrity so why does it come as a surprise when we are mediocre at best to awful at worst. The next manager will also be a failure, hopefully slightly less of a failure then Koeman (which wouldn't be very hard to achieve) but I'm doubtful that he'll win anything with the current losers at the top who are happy to see us continue to just exist and make them money.

I think you can separate that past with this Moshiri era.

The jump between the club being stagnant without a pot to piss in, to one that dropped £200mill in 3 transfer windows and have a new stadium being built is huge.

The problem is the personnel you get in. Look at Spurs. Up and down, spent loads, until they found the right management and how to run it.

Koeman and Walsh had a fortune to spend with no real restrictions and this is what's been drummed up.

It's the worst case of 1 step forward 2 steps back we've ever had at the club imo
Apart from some of the Moyes years and that first season under Martinez all we've see since the inception of the Premier League is mid-table dross to relegation fodder. Nothing has changed in all that time. This is were we are as a club going into 2018 and were we have been for over two decades. If the club had fallen apart due to Koeman wasting that money I'd be just as angry as anyone but the truth is we've once again gone from average/poor to just poor. It's how things work at Everton these days, no doubt the next manager will have us playing slightly better (without winning anything of course) and everyone will think it's all good until a few years later when we're right back here again. Blaming the latest scapegoat for the true failures at this club who allow us to stumble from crisis to crisis without ever achieving anything other then making them money.

BTW; tragical history tour? Very good!lol
Thing is, we had a useful platform to work off when he got us to 7th last season.

I would now describe the summer months to this moment (June to almost November) as probably the most costly 5 month period in the club's modern history. Even when we do get out of this hole (IF we get out of it) we will be left sifting through the debris of the massive waste of resources for years to come.

It's been like our Brexit vote...everyone jumping up and down delighted when the players came in, but now the realisation that we're up a smelly brown creek without a paddle.
Thing is, we had a useful platform to work off when he got us to 7th last season.

I would now describe the summer months to this moment (June to almost November) as probably the most costly 5 month period in the club's modern history. Even when we do get out of this hole (IF we get out of it) we will be left sifting through the debris of the massive waste of resources for years to come.
Just in case you think I'm defending Koeman let me make this clear. Im not, he derserved to be sacked and I wish he'd got sacked before the last international break. Im not denying he was a failure and an expensive one at that but he's not the first failure is he? Nor will he be the last. Every manager we've had since HK in his first run has been a total failure here (with only Joe Royle and possibly some of the early years of Moyes not falling into that category). You would describe these last few mouths as the "most costly five mouth period in the club's modern history". I'd call it more of the same garbage we've been subjected to since the start of the 90's.

We had a useful platform when we finished 7th you say? I'm sorry but didn't you once argue that there wasn't any real difference between 5th and 15th, since both are failures?

If we get out of this hole we'll be right back here (maybe not quite as bad as this but still dross) again in a few years time. With the latest manager taking all the blame for the club's continual failures as though he's seen a dramatic change in the club's fortune rather then more of the same garbage.
I think you can separate that past with this Moshiri era.

The jump between the club being stagnant without a pot to piss in, to one that dropped £200mill in 3 transfer windows and have a new stadium being built is huge.

The problem is the personnel you get in. Look at Spurs. Up and down, spent loads, until they found the right management and how to run it.

Koeman and Walsh had a fortune to spend with no real restrictions and this is what's been drummed up.

It's the worst case of 1 step forward 2 steps back we've ever had at the club imo
Indeed they had a very large sum to spend yet only one of them fell on the sword. The other not only got away scott free but also took hardly any criticism at all. Hardly fair really. I remain unconvinced about Mosh, his decision making and his ambitions for this club.

Thing is, we had a useful platform to work off when he got us to 7th last season.

I would now describe the summer months to this moment (June to almost November) as probably the most costly 5 month period in the club's modern history. Even when we do get out of this hole (IF we get out of it) we will be left sifting through the debris of the massive waste of resources for years to come.

It's been like our Brexit vote...everyone jumping up and down delighted when the players came in, but now the realisation that we're up a smelly brown creek without a paddle.
This is the problem, we've bought players for a lot of money with no real sell on value, and the fact that they aren't producing the goods right now means it's near £100m of wasted money.
Thing is, we had a useful platform to work off when he got us to 7th last season.

I would now describe the summer months to this moment (June to almost November) as probably the most costly 5 month period in the club's modern history. Even when we do get out of this hole (IF we get out of it) we will be left sifting through the debris of the massive waste of resources for years to come.

It's been like our Brexit vote...everyone jumping up and down delighted when the players came in, but now the realisation that we're up a smelly brown creek without a paddle.
It's not like we can recoup of any the money from this extravagant and wasteful spree over the last 18 months. Which clubs would be willing to take Williams, Martina, klassen, schnerderlin and Sandro off our hands and take on their vast wages?
I'm keeping siguardsson, Keane and Pickford as I've off that list as at least I've seen they are good premiership footballers whilst at other teams. Very little quality within the current squad. Barkley and Coleman can't come back soon enough.
Just in case you think I'm defending Koeman let me make this clear. Im not, he derserved to be sacked and I wish he'd got sacked before the last international break. Im not denying he was a failure and an expensive one at that but he's not the first failure is he? Nor will he be the last. Every manager we've had since HK in his first run has been a total failure here (with only Joe Royle and possibly some of the early years of Moyes not falling into that category). You would describe these last few mouths as the "most costly five mouth period in the club's modern history". I'd call it more of the same garbage we've been subjected to since the start of the 90's.

We had a useful platform when we finished 7th you say? I'm sorry but didn't you once argue that there wasn't any real difference between 5th and 15th, since both are failures?

If we get out of this hole we'll be right back here (maybe not quite as bad as this but still dross) again in a few years time. With the latest manager taking all the blame for the club's continual failures as though he's seen a dramatic change in the club's fortune rather then more of the same garbage.
Yes, a platform isn't defined as a success, just a platform to try and achieve success.

The last five months are not a continuation of the trajectory of unspectacular undulations between midtable and the top 5....they are a massive acceleration toward the ground.

Make no mistake, we are in a desperate fight for survival at this moment in time. That's why it is qualitatively different from what's gone before.

It's not like we can recoup of any the money from this extravagant and wasteful spree over the last 18 months. Which clubs would be willing to take Williams, Martina, klassen, schnerderlin and Sandro off our hands and take on their vast wages?
I'm keeping siguardsson, Keane and Pickford as I've off that list as at least I've seen they are good premiership footballers whilst at other teams. Very little quality within the current squad. Barkley and Coleman can't come back soon enough.

By my reckoning the club basically flushed £90M down the toilet since Koeman arrived.

We cant suffer losses like that. Which is why I say we'll carry the legacy of summer 2017 around for years to come.
Yes, a platform isn't defined as a success, just a platform to try and achieve success.

The last five months are not a continuation of the trajectory of unspectacular undulations between midtable and the top 5....they are a massive acceleration toward the ground.

Make no mistake, we are in a desperate fight for survival at this moment in time. That's why it is qualitatively different from what's gone before.
Never happend before has it? Horrible start to the season and a recovery from Jan onwards has happend countless times to us in recent years and I have faith it will happen this season to with the right manager in place. These types of horrendous starts and slow recovery were in fact the hallmarks of Moyes at one time. A desperate fight for survival you say? In October.............. im in no way, shape or form happy with the dross we are seeing on the pitch right now but can we be serious for a moment!
Indeed they had a very large sum to spend yet only one of them fell on the sword. The other not only got away scott free but also took hardly any criticism at all. Hardly fair really. I remain unconvinced about Mosh, his decision making and his ambitions for this club.

Well, a reporter for the mirror is saying he's now wanting a overhaul of the club - which could mean Kenwright, Elstone, Walsh all going
Never happend before has it? Horrible start to the season and a recovery from Jan onwards has happend countless times to us in recent years and I have faith it will happen this season to with the right manager in place. These types of horrendous starts and slow recovery were in fact the hallmarks of Moyes at one time. A desperate fight for survival you say? In October.............. im in no way, shape or form happy with the dross we are seeing on the pitch right now but can we be serious for a moment!
I admire your poise.

personally I'm like this right now...


...and I think most of us are.

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