Sigur Ros Barkley.
Sigur Ros Barkley.
Youve got it wrong, im not a Barkley hater.
I think the boy is very talented and I wonder myself why he doesnt play more often, I just feel that questions need to be asked why he isnt playing.
And I prefer to put my faith in Moyes, he doesnt normally get things wrong, this time last Year everybody was crying out for Coleman to be played at RB, Moyes played him RW for a bit, even sent him on loan and now hes probably 1 of the most exciting RBs in the League.
But it goes back to my original point, why does Barkley play less often than all the other young players over the years?
Lad after all those comments about the castration post and you come out with this.
well, just to get back to the thread, if all y'all quegs can stop behaving like a bunch of drag queens for five minutes:
Coleman is a great argument for playing Barkley. The same arguments about him were being made last year: he's not good enough, he's made defensive errors (half of which were made when Moyes was playing him out of position.), Moyes knows what he's doing etc. Our right back has been a weak area for 10 years and he still couldn't get in (much like our abortion of a central midfielder right now). Hibbert gets an injury, Moyes is essentially forced to play Coleman, and guess what: success. A run in the team and he has settled in no problem. And that's in a position where small errors can cost you games.
Barkley hasn't even had the opportunity to prove if he's ****, whereas Naismith and Neville are given that opportunity every week, and doing everything they can to prove that they are.
Well that's the problem isn't it, we all assumed Moyes would shoehorn players out of position (in Neville's case being on the field of play is out of position) (and players who have shown they are not great at right back )ahead of an up and coming right back. He didn't. Player plays well. Success.
Ergo (that's right, that word has now marked me out as the intellectual in the thread) Barkley should get a chance.