Welcome back Wayne
Finners, I always love your sensible input, but I think you may be just a tad biased on this one...........
Doctors report that found bodies do not indicate explosion
Blimey! If true then it could get bad.Russian reports saying it was Saudi Arabia behind it, due to get official confirmation later on.
Panic meetings with UK. US, Russia ongoing.
Saudis couldn't do it without assistance from either US or Israel, or at least their awareness
It was an Airbus A321. Airbus have already stated that there is no mechanical or electrical problem which would have caused the plane to virtually disintegrate at such a height. Issues with the plane would cause it to crash but not disintegrate mid air. So, on-board explosion (eg bomb) seems the most likely cause with external hit (eg missile) the other was a Boeing plane. The maintenance of which is not solely the responsibility of Russian air companies.
Oooooor the Russians blew up their own plane to enable a full scale war with ISIS!!!The plane was total flying wreck. Ruskie air Companies are so poor that I wouldnt dare to board on them.
It blew up in mid air. It broke into pieces.
There is no enemy here.
Russia is shifting the blame here like they always do. And they are using this as a foreign policy weapon or piece of that foreign policy game. They are on heat...on nationalistic heat. They dont want to admit that they flew and killed families with plane that was a equalent of a carboard box.
They wont be finding any evidence of a bomb. And if they do, theyve planted it.
But they wont find any...
International investigators are probs not welcome to that site I would quess.
It was an Airbus A321. Airbus have already stated that there is no mechanical or electrical problem which would have caused the plane to virtually disintegrate at such a height. Issues with the plane would cause it to crash but not disintegrate mid air. So, on-board explosion (eg bomb) seems the most likely cause with external hit (eg missile) the other possibility.
What second Russian plane?I think ISIS put a bomb on board. Russia will do everything to try and prove that they didn't as it would expose Putin to criticism at home for his Syria wouldn't surprise me if that second Russian plane went the same way.......expect more.......
What second Russian plane?
Doctors report that found bodies do not indicate explosion
Blimey! If true then it could get bad.