You seem to have taken a huge leap of assumption there.
Russia aren't alone in developing new weapons technology, those who you would consider allies against Russia have been developing weapons too. Look at America's 'defence' budget, the declared one, and defense from what exactly, retaliation?
I care immensely about the loss of innocent lives or liberties. The answer isn't war. For you to support the spending of such huge amounts on weaponry as opposed to the welfare of people who have no involvement in 'diplomatic relations' is tantamount to admission that the global economy is locked in a dependency on perpetual war, because it will never stop until it's exhausted life beyond the point of sustainability.
It is not 'stupid' or less caring to be concerned about all life being protected, not just those within nationalised borders. The concept of 'them v us'is due to constant propaganda, propaganda that is being ramped up at an ever increasing pace, calling for division and the identifying of a ready made enemy on a scale not seen since McCarthy and the whole 'reds under the bed' era.
None of this is territorial it is economic and the cost is being borne by innocent lives and the stability of life itself.