Saha says what we are all thinking..

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Marcus Bent would be ace at it.

Joking. You're right RFUS. I just have not much faith in Saha. Havnt for ages.

He's made of glass and 33. I don't expect him to chase down everything. But I've faith in his class still.

He worked well alongside Beckford because Becks did the chasing and he got more space and time to show his class. He's not got that since with Cahill in support, and as our service consists only of aimless hoofs and predictable left flank crosses, I can see why he's not banging them in.

Marcus Bent would be ace at it.

Joking. You're right RFUS. I just have not much faith in Saha. Havnt for ages.
Get Johnathon Walters here FFS 8m , absolute steel
What's Darren Moore doing these day's * daydream's of the pair kicking lumps out of Barkley in training *

Get rid, hes well past it now.

Think we need a big clear out of the older players Saha, Cahill and Neville. We need a fresh influx of more athletic players, even if they are only good Championship players.

We have had many that have come from there and done well including Cahill, Jags, Lescott and even Beckford from League 1. But we do need players with pace, we have a slow team compared to others in the PL.
Maybe he was misquoted and really said he loves the silky football we play and the idea of all the medals he's looking forward to piling up before he retires.
Money is obviously a problem but its also players like him who are out of form, lazy and looking for any excuse as to why they are yet again having another poor start to the season. How about putting some effort in and we might just start getting some better results. Hope we dont offer him another contract at the end of the season.
Money is obviously a problem but its also players like him who are out of form, lazy and looking for any excuse as to why they are yet again having another poor start to the season. How about putting some effort in and we might just start getting some better results. Hope we dont offer him another contract at the end of the season.

You mean on the back of the poor tactics not working and telling him to play in the reserves at the start of the season?

Hes got to be not bothered or enthused anymore because he doesn't want to play for a new deal.

Says a lot for team moral, Heitinga saying we are not good enough, bilya looking to leave, now saha...

I wish someone would smack our players round the face with a wet fish.


I bet that's great for team moral. I can see if now, Saha walks into the dressing room, and Hibbo says, "eh, read your interview lad, new players in eh? Are you saying we're all ****e except you...??".

Any player who says 'We need new investment..." should shut their useless gob and get back to the training ground and practice kick ups, close passing and shooting ffs. You know why??????? Coz that's what they're paid to do, not demeaning anecdotes and quips to appease the fans.
Sir Muggins. I am with you

As Nik said, someone needs to read that Levante story. They're probably bottom for all I know now, but playing crap with what really is a strong first IX can't just be blamed on money

I'd love nothing more than money to spend obviously, whether it be 500k or 500m, this really annoys me. I guess I'm happy they're saying something rather than just keeping shut, but it's a massive excuse in my opinion. The irony is, Saha would be the first on mosts lists to be replaced
I wish someone would smack our players round the face with a wet fish.


I bet that's great for team moral. I can see if now, Saha walks into the dressing room, and Hibbo says, "eh, read your interview lad, new players in eh? Are you saying we're all ****e except you...??".

Any player who says 'We need new investment..." should shut their useless gob and get back to the training ground and practice kick ups, close passing and shooting ffs. You know why??????? Coz that's what they're paid to do, not demeaning anecdotes and quips to appease the fans.

Thing is though Muggins, Moyes says it regularly about our striker situation. He's forever saying we're short there and firing blanks. It comes from the top this attitude. And let's face it, Moyes is the only one who can force the issue by demanding cash is recycled and not thrown down some black hole from which it's never seen again.
You mean on the back of the poor tactics not working and telling him to play in the reserves at the start of the season?

Hes got to be not bothered or enthused anymore because he doesn't want to play for a new deal.

Says a lot for team moral, Heitinga saying we are not good enough, bilya looking to leave, now saha...

He refused to play in the reserves and deserved to be disciplined by the management for this. He also missed yet again another large part of pre season and then thinks he should just walk back into the first team which is wrong and all this world class talk about him is rubbish, he's a 1 in 20 game player and one of the laziest players Ive seen. He should realise we aren't man utd and that he might have to work harder in our team and considering the money he's on there is no excuse for the complete lack of effort hes shown this season.
I'd much rather see comments like that than some of the apoligist, accepting ****e players like cahill and neville come out with.

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