And they was all buzzing cheering him on creepy weirdos. They did always sing about their captain been big and hard like. So could be the kind of stuff they are in too I guess.
An "English fan" yeah right. Think they meant a Liverpool fan.

And they was all buzzing cheering him on creepy weirdos. They did always sing about their captain been big and hard like. So could be the kind of stuff they are in too I guess.
'Deserves.' lol I deserve to be a billionaire but it 'aint happening.
The scab 6 literally signed up to a new league, directly contravening the PL rules. Got a £5 fine.
Man united fans literally stormed a stadium and got a game cancelled. Can't recall any points deductions or even a fine for that.
What makes me laugh is that sky sports on there app have a video package called “premiership great escapes” about relegation escapes through the premiership years. Every club on that video in that game where they escaped relegation had a pitch invasion at the end as the supporters were so relieved so I can’t believe we are getting so much crap over it as it’s something that has been done for years.'Hahahaha, yous invade the pitch cos ye stayed up...'
Yup, great wasn't it. And?
End of conversation.
They have no further comeback.
thick, inbred, brainwashed backward stnuc.
The media in this country are biased, simple as that
Was just speaking to an elderly red who didn't know I was a blue. I must say I was distributed as was the gunner with me.States of journalists like that. So much for impartiality.
Hopefully on judgement day he'll have to stand before and answer to God why he wasted so much of the gift of life working that tosh out. lol
I once again call for a "shakes head in disbelief" option in the emojis.
There's not a sane man alive that would go anywhere near.I mean, that’s mental right?
The person who came up with that needs professional help