On the eve of an old firm game have I missed anything?
My goodness. The posts on here about the Old Firm illustrate just why the rest of us in Scotland are so sick of them both.
Unfortunately @Redstarrob took the bait.I quite liked @Redstarrob Rob gave a balanced and quite honest view from the dark side of the Old firm, alas my thoughts and prayers are with @Cork Evertonian his hero has gone forever.
Hook line and sinker a classic GOT takedown, surprised though thought Rob was more chilled than that .Unfortunately @Redstarrob took the bait.
Shame really.
As you say fair and balanced.
Amazing really when it was a nail on him and the @The Celtic View would have finished one of their tenures on GOT
I doubt it.Did I hear one of the panel say the away fan allocation is to be sorted out next season?
I doubt it.
They both like to sell season tickets with all games included.
Which for both clubs is 5-6000 full price extra .
Yes so do I.I’m sure they said it.
They were lamenting the lack if away fans and how it was taking away from the atmosphere when someone said it was being addressed.
I hope it is anyway.