2024/25 Seamus Coleman

That's the thing with Coleman: talks a good game, but his actions speak louder than words. I'm Irish. He has no business at 35 playing for the national team - especially given his injury record. He's no hero when he's not available for the club in its hour of need.
I agree but who would you have in there instead Matt "I can't be arsed" Doherty...

Everton and the Republic both have failed to plan.

At least Ashley Young can't tog out for RoI - though we have the other one of the
" Brothers Keane"
I agree but who would you have in there instead Matt "I can't be arsed" Doherty...

Everton and the Republic both have failed to plan.

At least Ashley Young can't tog out for RoI - though we have the other one of the
" Brothers Keane"

It is sad that the nation of Ireland has not birthed another RB capable of unseating him.

Everton have more options available to them, and should have addressed this in the summer.
I agree but who would you have in there instead Matt "I can't be arsed" Doherty...

Everton and the Republic both have failed to plan.

At least Ashley Young can't tog out for RoI - though we have the other one of the
" Brothers Keane"
The FAI are a corrupt nepotistic organisation that Irish football fans have tacitly encouraged over the years. We are getting what we deserve. How else is one to think after Irish fans decided that drinking booze out of John Delaney's shoes was a proper night out not too long ago. A great bunch of lads, altogether.

So, at this point, I don't care about the national team. We're a joke. Our best administrators go into the GAA or rugby clubs. Our soccer clubs are run by petty criminals, tax avoiders, and drug dealers. The middle-class has been frightened off to the other sports. We are a lost cause right now.

Mismanagement is also the curse of Everton. We are run by an oligarch's bag man and were driven off a cliff by Uncle Cyril's flamboyant provincial nephew. Evertonians, too, get what they deserve, seal-clapping the luvvie on the jumbotron at the height of his venal, self-interested reign.

So, who should Seamus play for now that he is way past playing for one, let alone both? Whomever pays his salary.

Anything else is needy, self-indulgence by our great faux-hero.
The FAI are a corrupt nepotistic organisation that Irish football fans have tacitly encouraged over the years. We are getting what we deserve. How else is one to think after Irish fans decided that drinking booze out of John Delaney's shoes was a proper night out not too long ago. A great bunch of lads, altogether.

So, at this point, I don't care about the national team. We're a joke. Our best administrators go into the GAA or rugby clubs. Our soccer clubs are run by petty criminals, tax avoiders, and drug dealers. The middle-class has been frightened off to the other sports. We are a lost cause right now.

Mismanagement is also the curse of Everton. We are run by an oligarch's bag man and were driven off a cliff by Uncle Cyril's flamboyant provincial nephew. Evertonians, too, get what they deserve, seal-clapping the luvvie on the jumbotron at the height of his venal, self-interested reign.

So, who should Seamus play for now that he is way past playing for one, let alone both? Whomever pays his salary.

Anything else is needy, self-indulgence by our great faux-hero.
Spot on, mercilessly.
The FAI are a corrupt nepotistic organisation that Irish football fans have tacitly encouraged over the years. We are getting what we deserve. How else is one to think after Irish fans decided that drinking booze out of John Delaney's shoes was a proper night out not too long ago. A great bunch of lads, altogether.

So, at this point, I don't care about the national team. We're a joke. Our best administrators go into the GAA or rugby clubs. Our soccer clubs are run by petty criminals, tax avoiders, and drug dealers. The middle-class has been frightened off to the other sports. We are a lost cause right now.

Mismanagement is also the curse of Everton. We are run by an oligarch's bag man and were driven off a cliff by Uncle Cyril's flamboyant provincial nephew. Evertonians, too, get what they deserve, seal-clapping the luvvie on the jumbotron at the height of his venal, self-interested reign.

So, who should Seamus play for now that he is way past playing for one, let alone both? Whomever pays his salary.

Anything else is needy, self-indulgence by our great faux-hero.
Don't forget the middle-class fans and establishment also ignored and ridiculed the LOI fans for calling out the FAI.

Did they? I missed that, being profoundly middle-class. I was ignoring the LOI - another joke of an entity.
"They always cheat, they always lie. F€€€ Delaney and the FAI" was the universal league chant. Stealth fines, prize money & paperwork going missing, his father's corruption and 'official Ireland' didn't want to know.
Only after they crossed swords with the GAA and litigious Yanks did the house of Delaney fall.

Also, you've complained about grassroots being ignored, whilst also demeaning it. For the majority of nations the domestic league is the bedrock of development.
"They always cheat, they always lie. F€€€ Delaney and the FAI" was the universal league chant. Stealth fines, prize money & paperwork going missing, his father's corruption and 'official Ireland' didn't want to know.
Only after they crossed swords with the GAA and litigious Yanks did the house of Delaney fall.

Also, you've complained about grassroots being ignored, whilst also demeaning it. For the majority of nations the domestic league is the bedrock of development.
I agree official Ireland didn't want to know. Many fans of the national team didn't either - hence their drinking from his shoes.

But let's not pretend the League of Ireland is any different. The clubs are run by spivs, criminals, and shysters - and the standard of football is embarrassing. People like me might give it more respect and attention when it provides facilities that rival the local junior rugby club and a standard of play that matches that found in club GAA. The fans of LOI clubs I have no beef with. I go myself occasionally when I can work out which franchise club is supposed to represent Limerick in the Markets Field this year. And that's another thing: when you have seen world-class rugby and historical-high hurling in a place like Limerick, well, soccer needs to up its game pretty quickly. This is the competition. It's not like we don't have talented sportspeople...

Which brings me to the academies. Where are they?

But, to be fair, if the government took a proper hand and asked itself why we have the same population as Denmark and Norway and yet an appalling record at club level compared to countries like those, then maybe we could begin this journey. But there is no will for this. If the government does that, UEFA will claim "interference". So, it's soccer itself that needs to reform. The entire edifice, from LOI to national team needs to be torn down.
I was with you until that.

If you're happy with this conclusion then fair enough.

I find it astonishing.
You can't be a hero from the treatment table - and when it was your own stupid determination to put your ageing 35-year-old body through elective, discretionary extra internationals, well, you are the master of your own downfall.

Through his actions shall he be judged.

I have time for Seamus. He is a great guy. He is one of the most loyal servants to the club ever and could have been an actual legend had we progressed as we should have. But we didn’t. He is a victim of the club’s brainwashing and his ego has been gassed up by the team and media. He means well and I can’t get mad at him for that, but I wish he would quit with all of his insufferable comments and the club would stop wheeling him out for PR. It’s just sad what they have done to my boy.
I agree official Ireland didn't want to know. Many fans of the national team didn't either - hence their drinking from his shoes.

But let's not pretend the League of Ireland is any different. The clubs are run by spivs, criminals, and shysters - and the standard of football is embarrassing. People like me might give it more respect and attention when it provides facilities that rival the local junior rugby club and a standard of play that matches that found in club GAA. The fans of LOI clubs I have no beef with. I go myself occasionally when I can work out which franchise club is supposed to represent Limerick in the Markets Field this year. And that's another thing: when you have seen world-class rugby and historical-high hurling in a place like Limerick, well, soccer needs to up its game pretty quickly. This is the competition. It's not like we don't have talented sportspeople...

Which brings me to the academies. Where are they?

But, to be fair, if the government took a proper hand and asked itself why we have the same population as Denmark and Norway and yet an appalling record at club level compared to countries like those, then maybe we could begin this journey. But there is no will for this. If the government does that, UEFA will claim "interference". So, it's soccer itself that needs to reform. The entire edifice, from LOI to national team needs to be torn down.
The government know exactly how to help but don't want to direct the sport funds (particularly the betting fund) away from horse racing etc could have a velodrome even with that money.

Academy's are there, the promised funding isn't but like everything government talks of surpluses whilst infrastructure is crumbling.
The government know exactly how to help but don't want to direct the sport funds (particularly the betting fund) away from horse racing etc could have a velodrome even with that money.

Academy's are there, the promised funding isn't but like everything government talks of surpluses whilst infrastructure is crumbling.
They are remarkably quick to fund the GAA, mind.

This is where city TDs need to make their voices heard. Let's not pretend a lot of the rural types have the best interests of the "foreign sport" at heart.
They are remarkably quick to fund the GAA, mind.

This is where city TDs need to make their voices heard. Let's not pretend a lot of the rural types have the best interests of the "foreign sport" at heart.
I remember the Healy-raes, McGrath and Lowry amongst other rural TDs being very supportive of Delaney. Like any tyrant he kept the small issue country clubs onside. Towns and city areas with a soccer tradition are pushing for change but they're often outvoted. Academy's suffer so that middle of nowhere FC gets new nets for the second time in 3 years
I remember the Healy-raes, McGrath and Lowry amongst other rural TDs being very supportive of Delaney. Like any tyrant he kept the small issue country clubs onside. Towns and city areas with a soccer tradition are pushing for change but they're often outvoted. Academy's suffer so that middle of nowhere FC gets new nets for the second time in 3 years
And they hate the idea of academies or even new LOI franchises being situated in the urban areas that have the population and can sustain the game. I'm a great fan of rural soccer clubs, they deserve every support. But if the game is ever to grow properly in the country there needs to be powerhouse clubs/academies in Cork, Limerick, Galway, and Waterford. Otherwise, it will remain in an inner-city Dublin ghetto with no chance of expansion.

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