Shocking Refs

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Because they were not good enough at their jobs to make the correct calls, nothing new there, its not the ref's I am bothered by really, its the decisions they are making.

I know this is completly pointless and you're not going to change your view but : its got nothing to do with not being good enough and every thing to do with being human, getting 1 instant chance to make a decision, an often difficult decision. If you can't see the difference between the circumstances under which refs make decisions and those under what you and i make them (slow mo replays) then there's nothing more i can say that won't offend.

Whether its because the ball was behind a post for the Newcastle goal therefore blocking the linesmans view is irrelevant, its still cost us points, the ref/linesman made the wrong call, should be in a better posiiton and doubt should go to the attacker so he didn't do his job in that case anyway. Ergo ****e decision.. Draw instead of win.

Its really really really simple. When an incident happens as fast as that one did its phsyically impossible for any human being to watch it from any angle and give a decision they are "sure" of, when the ball is that close to the line they can only guess. And unless they are sure you know damn well they shouldn't award the goal and you;d be crying equally as loud if they were in doubt and gave it against us

Point is we are losing a lot of points, clearly, through poor shouts and the players are taking the flack for it.
14 game changing decisions against us in less than 14 games.

game changing depends on other factors too, they do not win or lose games on their own, a dodgy free kick that leads to a goal is the same as a dodgy free kick that doesn't

I've said it over and again, its not a conspiracy, its nothing more than bad luck but fk me it seems people would rather give you grief for correctly slating the ref instead of the players on here.

yeah you're right there, it is just bad luck. Its the constant moaning and calling officials **** that is the annoying thing, because like i'm trying to explain, there are numerous reasons why they make the "bad" calls they do and **** isn't one of them(well in some cases see Mason, Lee).

We have been better than the opposition in most of the games the refs influenced against us, not in a conspiratorial kind of way, in a oops theres another crap decision that's gone against us and cost us points kind of way.
Please explain how the ref gave a red to Pienaar or how Suarez or sterling stayed on the pitch?

Pienaar got a red because tripping an opponent through recklessness or carelessness is a yellow, and its easy to see why the ref thought Pienaar clipped the guy even if it was accidental, or not even his leg. And that came minutes after he comitted a foul that could easily have been a second booking anyway but the ref used common sense that people want them to use. Suarez stayed on the pitch because the ref wasn't sure enough if the stamps were deliberate stamps, accidents or a late tackle. We can say they were deliberate all we like but none of us know for sure and neither did the ref, he cvalled it as he saw it.
And Sterling was booked, then after his next tackle the ref did the same as in Pienaars case, used common sense and gave him a final warning and he didn't foul again.

Explain how a linesman can call offside against Fellaini? If there is doubt why default to its not a goal? Because its very difficult to call offside, ive run the line and its tricky, even for experienced officials. It was a mistake but when the game moves so fast they are going to happen, simple as that.[/QUOTE]

I apologise if i come across arsey, i'm not intending to , it does wind me up when people just don;t seem to want to understand how diffcult it actually is to referee a game and that its almost impossible a lot of the time to give accurate decisions. I'm not saying they don't get things wrong or that they haven't gone against us this season, it s just not as bad as some people claim.

Its like asking me to work out the square root of 4782 and then saying i'm **** at maths when i get it wrong.
In isolation I expect you could argue cases for several of them, however they are not in isolation, they are one of over a dozen such influential decisions in as many games and there is surely no excuse for that level of regular incompetence
some posters on GOT think everton players poor performances should excuse the officials incompetence though mate. i singled out the newcastle one because its the only decision that you could say was excusable out of the 14 abysmal
ones against us.

Mate I know what your saying.
Lets put it another way.
Ref's have a hard job, they make bad calls, its inevitable.. This season they have made 14 seriously bad calls against us.. in 12 games. That's a ridiculously high amount and combined with certain posters responses made me question whether these decisions were correct.. They were not.
This lack of correct decisions is fine by you and you seem to happily dismiss them blaming pace of the game in a way that almost makes it sound like its all guesswork.. I disagree I think decent linesmen make tougher decisions than a lot of those listed on a very regular basis.
What annoyed me though in this thread and got me posting were those who were slating the players for not doing well enough to beat the teams by more than one goal, the logic being this was needed because one goal was constantly being taken away from us, it was in fact more the fault of the players for not winning by 2 or more than the referee's. This is simply wrong. The rest has been natural discussion progression rather than a deep seated hatred of the officiating.
But if you don't mind that we have dropped a ****load of points through refereeing decisions then cool, but it annoys me, and it annoys me that the players are taking the grief for it.
It also annoys me that we should be much higher up the league than even 5th and if you don't care or think its acceptable and fine then like you I don't know what to say that won't come across as insulting.
To me it's like being a boxer, winning all 12 rounds and the judges claiming you lose, then someone saying you havn't been good enough because you should of won those rounds more conclusively rather than just winning them, and that the punches were so quick its hard to judge how many actually landed.
Would that not annoy you? If not why not?

How on earth is this still going on?!

Because its fun and you keep posting
Because they were not good enough at their jobs to make the correct calls, nothing new there, its not the ref's I am bothered by really, its the decisions they are making.

I know this is completly pointless and you're not going to change your view but : its got nothing to do with not being good enough and every thing to do with being human, getting 1 instant chance to make a decision, an often difficult decision. If you can't see the difference between the circumstances under which refs make decisions and those under what you and i make them (slow mo replays) then there's nothing more i can say that won't offend.

Whether its because the ball was behind a post for the Newcastle goal therefore blocking the linesmans view is irrelevant, its still cost us points, the ref/linesman made the wrong call, should be in a better posiiton and doubt should go to the attacker so he didn't do his job in that case anyway. Ergo ****e decision.. Draw instead of win.

Its really really really simple. When an incident happens as fast as that one did its phsyically impossible for any human being to watch it from any angle and give a decision they are "sure" of, when the ball is that close to the line they can only guess. And unless they are sure you know damn well they shouldn't award the goal and you;d be crying equally as loud if they were in doubt and gave it against us

Point is we are losing a lot of points, clearly, through poor shouts and the players are taking the flack for it.
14 game changing decisions against us in less than 14 games.

game changing depends on other factors too, they do not win or lose games on their own, a dodgy free kick that leads to a goal is the same as a dodgy free kick that doesn't

I've said it over and again, its not a conspiracy, its nothing more than bad luck but fk me it seems people would rather give you grief for correctly slating the ref instead of the players on here.

yeah you're right there, it is just bad luck. Its the constant moaning and calling officials **** that is the annoying thing, because like i'm trying to explain, there are numerous reasons why they make the "bad" calls they do and **** isn't one of them(well in some cases see Mason, Lee).

We have been better than the opposition in most of the games the refs influenced against us, not in a conspiratorial kind of way, in a oops theres another crap decision that's gone against us and cost us points kind of way.
Please explain how the ref gave a red to Pienaar or how Suarez or sterling stayed on the pitch?

Pienaar got a red because tripping an opponent through recklessness or carelessness is a yellow, and its easy to see why the ref thought Pienaar clipped the guy even if it was accidental, or not even his leg. And that came minutes after he comitted a foul that could easily have been a second booking anyway but the ref used common sense that people want them to use. Suarez stayed on the pitch because the ref wasn't sure enough if the stamps were deliberate stamps, accidents or a late tackle. We can say they were deliberate all we like but none of us know for sure and neither did the ref, he cvalled it as he saw it.
And Sterling was booked, then after his next tackle the ref did the same as in Pienaars case, used common sense and gave him a final warning and he didn't foul again.

Explain how a linesman can call offside against Fellaini? If there is doubt why default to its not a goal? Because its very difficult to call offside, ive run the line and its tricky, even for experienced officials. It was a mistake but when the game moves so fast they are going to happen, simple as that.

Usually, I wouldn't hit 'reply with quote' with one of this length, but I want to offer an opinion about this - 'Suarez stayed on the pitch because the ref wasn't sure enough if the stamps were deliberate stamps .....'
I've made this point before on this forum, and I'll make it again. Suarez shortened his stride to about half the length of his previous one to stamp on Mirrallas. That can only be intentional. Go out and sprint as fast as you can for even three steps and
see what I mean. It wasn't hard to see and at least two of the four of the officials must have seen it.
While I'm here I was surprised that it was only mentioned by one or two in the media that Coates had climbed all over Jagielka
to get to the ball he headed to Suarez. I saw the same thing this week when Villa scored a late winner against Reading, was it?
There was no mention of it in the commentary and I was beginning to wonder whether I was wrong and you are allowed to pull yourself up on an opponents shoulders to get to the ball. But then there was the debate and argument put that Baines did, in fact, put his hands on the Norwich players back when they got the free which led to their goal. And yes, he did, but the contact was very light. What we need here, is some bloody consistancy.

Not having a go but besides the end of the Rs match, what decisions have give our way? Im genuinely curious as i can't think of any offhand. Weve had blatant penalties not called on numerous occasions so far this season and the rs end is the only one i can think of that would balance one of them.

against Swansea, Fellaini blatantly used his arms to set up the first goal. We got lucky with that one. ok iffy?


some people are very eager to sweep this topic under the carpet - see no evil , hear no evil , speak no evil - but under the carpet evil tends to multiply in the dark - bad referees make mistakes both ways and according to the law of averages things happening randomly should even out over time - but bad decisions against Everton does not even out - the people saying we have received our share can name 1 or 2 lucky calls against 14 or 15 bad calls - that leads me to conclude that bad decisions are not happening randomly to Everton - argue against this - don't just say you disagree

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