When I used to have a season ticket me and the lads I went with would go upstairs in the Wilmslow before and after the game. One of the lads we went with his arl fella was on the door. Good blue called Tony, he used to let us in for free rather then charge us a pound but you had to get to know him before he’d do it.
One day I was outside having a smoke and Rossie went to go upstairs after the game. Tony stopped him.
Tony - Pound mate
Rossie - I’m just shooting upstairs to see somebody I’ll be 30 seconds.
Tony - yer mate it’s still a pound.
Rossie - I’ll be literally 1 minute at most.
Tony - Yer that’s a pound that lad.
Rossie - Mate you do know I’m Rossie that announces the teams.
Tony - oh are you mate ye? That’s 2 pound.
Still cracks me up every time I think about Rossie rummaging in his pockets for some coins