This might be a little out there and you defo won’t find NASA posting about it on their Twitter but;
I’m not religious at all, I can’t say there isn’t a god be it some sort of natural force rather then a being that started it all off otherwise I think you’d be just as narrow minded as those that subscribe to one of the 3000 odd religions that have come about in our time here. I do think ghosts are real in that people see them, I think they’re the product of a tear in space time. I don’t think there’s anything supernatural about them. I think some people are more in tune with these events and ghosts coming back to people are possibly just people seeing through a rip in space time to something from a multiverse. It could explain people who do those ghost readings.
I think it would possibly make sense that people have attributed these events to something religious given we don’t even understand it all ourselves in 2020. Part of the problem I think with this belief is we’ve proven it’s possible to go forward in time with how gravity works (the basis of interstellar) but so far we can’t prove we can go back in time and most ghost stories involve a sighting of somebody from the past rather then some kid on a Back to the Future-esq hover board.
Funny how the sheer scale of the universe always brings us back to our own origin and part of it. It’s literally so vast on an unimaginable scale our minds wonder trying to conceptualise it all. I must point out I thought the above through back when I used to smoke the devils herb, looking back I don’t think it’s as ridiculous as a guy with a beard made it all in 6 days and chilled on the 7th