in memoriam - 1965-2024
Because it's not actually stats, it's science. There are X number of stars in the known universe that are ideal for life. Of those stars there are Y that have proper conditions that are ideal for life. Of those there are Z that have planets within an ideal range where life could flourish.
And, yes, I will gladly acquiesce that this is all predicated on our understanding of science as it stands right now being correct. You may well be correct; there may well be a ton of variables we may not have thought of and even more that we wouldn't even grasp the fundamental understanding of.
Its just all enjoyable chat really; no one knows, probably never will, (aliens etc), and until we develop ourselves as 4 dimensional beings, which we probably wont, that will remain the case.
Height, width, depth we easily grasp. We dont even have to try to understand. Time is beyond us though.
"Where have the years gone?" We cant grasp the concept.
"Time is dragging" Ditto.
"My Brother is 6ft 5" You instantly know he is tall, and can measure it instantly in your mind without even seeing him.
We are a bit thick, cosmic wise.