Star Wars beauts need telling.
Your obsession is stopping you having actual sex you weirdos.
Or it's enabling them to have sex with like-minded weirdos in full Star Wars cosplay.
You haven't lived until you've bummed a dwarf in an R2D2 costume, through a surprisingly accommodating data port.
Or it's enabling them to have sex with like-minded weirdos in full Star Wars cosplay.
You haven't lived until you've bummed a dwarf in an R2D2 costume, through a surprisingly accommodating data port.
or tell your bird you want her to be the rancor monster, and therefore should let you put a bone in her mouthor at least had an ace fap over some Princess Leia porn
As I recall, that didn't work out too well for the bone.or tell your bird you want her to be the rancor monster, and therefore should let you put a bone in her mouth
OUCH !! you're rightAs I recall, that didn't work out too well for the bone.
Damn lesbian wookies...
you want it ???I want a Sphero BB-Droid
you want it ???
you fkn got it !!
controlled by a simple app on your smartphone
only £129.99 to you young man
please do, rest assured I will donate anomynouslyIt's the £130 price tag that is putting me off.
Perhaps I should start a crowd sourcing campaign to get me what I really want this Xmas