Ken Dodd Nagasaki
Oh my, hmmm, wow, in fact WOW.I thought Finn was lazy with a poor first touch
Hahaha looking at that picture pat tells me that chewbacca has aged better than leia.still would though
Yep, it's like a Star Wars Greatest Hits, but with a brand new evil character who has many interesting story developments awaiting him. This is what we needed after the prequels.
Not 7.8/10?I watched it this aftey in 3D, enjoyed it, very good start, and it highlights what a mess Lucas made of the last 3, this new one is very much in the style of old ones, with CGI in the right places to enhance not saturate like Lucas did.
Jar jar binksBtw, why does everyone hate the last 3 so much? I def didn't enjoy them or anything btw, genuinely curious as I haven't seen them since I was like 9.
Crap cgi, actors, storylines aswellJar jar binks