Lascelles would cost more then £25mill, its bound to be silly season with transfers again with a shortened window and the fact Newcastle stayed up quite comfortably with him as a mainstay. And remember, how much was Keane?
Carroll 35m
Sissoko 35m
Wijnaldum 27m
Cabaye 25m
Woodgate 18m
Townsend 15m
Debuchy 15m
Isnt it more a case of looking at what transfer fee's they ask for?
Could make an argument for say looking at the numbers theyd expect 40mil for him
ExactlyI don’t understand though. You don’t want us to sign players who will improve us, because they’d see us as a stepping stone?
The best striker we’ve had in my lifetime seen us as a stepping stone.
We had a chance to achieve something with players of his calibre, it’s not his fault half the squad were crap.
I said before the horse has bolted mate, they are not very of the radar picks even I have seen them, no disrespect intended.
I wouldn’t mind Ziyech as an alternative to Lanzini would have it all to prove coming from the Dutch league, equally Lozano but I think there is less temperament and more headroom for development there and PSV mightened fleece us like Ajax. Not sure which Dembele you mean given there are about 50 these days. Neither Ntcham nor Dendonker are the type of midfielders we need in my honest opinion.
Worthy shouts though.
Fair play for contributing the worse thing about this thread is lads giving names, getting a negative response from other lads, who won’t stick there own necks out and make a shout.
"We need"
Well considering we Will Definitely get a new manager with his own style of play the type of player WE as fants want is the definition of irrelevant.
I Doubt very much if Tierney will leave Scotland in the next 2/3 yrsTierney supossedly is a main target for Bournemouth. We should be all over him if he wants to come to England.
And Newcastle will laugh at us and Rafael will resign if they sell himMirror says we'll bid £25m for 24 year old Newcastle defender Jamaal Lascelles
I Doubt very much if Tierney will leave Scotland in the next 2/3 yrs
He is in his own words “Living the Dream “
I read the newspapers on my break in workHow do you know that? Were did you find the time to find that out?
Do you not have a job? No family?
I used to but my wife won't let me nowI read the newspapers on my break in work
They look like jarg names from an unlicensed pro evolution soccer team.Ndombele
Musa Barrow
Salif Sane
Thiago Mendes
Edgar Ie
Maxi Gomez
Go nuts.
They look like jarg names from an unlicensed pro evolution soccer team.