just the way it is these days, any young footballer who does well for about 10 games seems to get a bumper contract on a 5 year deal. With all this sports science and technology used and millions being used towards this, the standard of top footballers should be at an all time high, but instead it's really poor. This is shown at world cups when you see squads like Brazil's, france's netherlands' etc. no where near the quality and quantity of it was say in the 90's.
But the worst thing is just the over-glorifying of something good. Commentators, pundits, journalists are all at it with "that's the best goal i've ever seen", just general useless comments like that, everyone is just impatient at waiting for the good things and trying to force it instead. i've seen scholes today saying rashford can be as good as neymar, i mean come on, behave, that's outrageous, rashford looks alright, but macheda was lauded as the next best thing by scoring 2 goals in 2 games, when in actual fact he was utter rubbish. Let these kids get on with the game and just enjoy them instead of trying to hype them up and compare them to messi etc. It's Stupid.