Andre gomes last season averaged
Tackles: 1.4
Fouls: 1.8
Dribbled past: 1.7
Gana last season averaged
Tackles: 4.3
Fouls: 1.6
Dribbled past: 1.2
While gana is obviously the better tackler (because that's his job as a defensive midfielder) this idea that gomes constantly fouls or gets dribbled past is a figment of your imagination.
Seeing as over 5 games gomes will commit 9 fouls and will be dribbled past 8 times. Gana will foul 8 times and be dribbled past 6 times. Considering gana has been playing in this leauge for the last 4 seasons and its gomes first season, with no pre season I think he's done quite well in those departments.
It feels to me like some people on here just don't like players to be edgy or something.