No that's not what I'm saying at all, you've completely imagined that.
I was just flippantly answering the question you asked, which due to your butchering of the original post was effectively 'are you sure we need to make money?' I was just saying yes, I'm absolutely certain we need to make money, because we're a business, and businesses which don't make money go bust.
To be slightly more serious about it, yes i'm still sure we need to generate funds. Not in a sell to buy way, but just as a business in general. People have got wrapped up thinking about the wage bill, but profit on transfers eases the pressure on the wage bill aswell. We can't just hold on to players until their contracts run down, it's not good business practice. IF (i'm fully aware it's an if, i'm just running with the same logic as the original post) we don't really want Lookman and Henry in the first team squad next year, then very much the sensible thing to do is to cash in on them, raising some money and freeing up their wages because they're not playing for free either. I have no doubt at all that Brands agrees with that, and it's why we sold Vlasic last week.