If it was your daughter that lost her life because Mr Alonso decided to get behind the wheel of a car drunk and drove over the speed limit I doubt you would be saying that he didn't take her life regardless of the fact he didn't pre-meditate what happened mate.
I feel modern football fans by large have become hypocritical when it comes to morals concerning the sport. Some will scoff at seeing Greenwood play football again but will happily watch a league thats awash with middle eastern blood money & tuned in / travelled to watch a world cup that was built by slaves.
Even your average football club owner have become criminal's - Notts Forest's owner is linked with drug trafficking, ours involved with dodgy russian money, that 777 group implicated in all kinds of shenanigans and then you have the Saudi's, UAE, Qatari's etc.
If I had my way the likes of Greenwood/Alonso would be behind bars to serve time, gangsters and murderers banned from owning clubs but FB92 doesn't make the rules.