Qataris also have a long-standing interest in us. There is definitely more than one party sniffing but at the price needed, a squad to rebuild and BMD to build we are not wildly attractive.
The US Consortium would, given those involved, likely try buy us primarily with loans and then refinance pushing the debt onto the club. As classic venture style US financiers they will presumably be hoping to sell on quite quickly to a new owner turning a profit by ‘tidying up’ our cash flow (cutting wage bill, pushing commercial side if possible) & getting an interim return through regular player sales with only partial reinvestment freeing up cash to pay dividends.
It is a model that has sunk other clubs where cash-starvation has seen performance struggle. Even Man U have regressed and their owners have the personal wealth to provide assistance when needed. Only LFC have really made a success of this approach and their ownership is at the less predatory end of American financial capitalism, something I would not say about eg Thornton.
Before anyone asks I’ve been CFO of a private equity buy-out and consulting partner to similar deals in other industries in the noughties. In subsequent years the base model has only become even more rapacious. The model relies on strict cash management and continuing organic revenue growth (in our case mainly from TV in last 20 years) rather than fresh investment, commercial creativity and long-term strategy.
In contrast a Qatari investment would likely be less restrictive financially but come with even more ethical baggage. Show me billionaires or state investors and I will show you ethical baggage. Sadly it is the nature of the beasts.