Takeover bid by Peter Kenyon

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I'm speculating of course mate:

I believe one of the named investors is a former president of GS - so he was either involved in the financial negotiations of investing in the ground or the investment opportunity was put to him through that route and he's put together a consortium of investors, to look at a possible takeover. Where Kenyon fits into this is anyone's guess - portably as a industry expert representing.

Id be guessing the reasoning is, if they fund the ground anyway - why not own it as opposed to just getting the interest in the investment and bet that it will be worth more 500mill + interest, if they sit on it for a couple of years, buying the club lock stock is an additional expense amongst them, but again an asset they would look to appreciate - though its a basket case, but sweating the stadium could help. Ive also wondered would they look to do something different with the Goodison legacy - its a big piece of land and site they could look to turn into something more profitable then what is planned. I think they are looking at fixed assets - Goodison, New ground and Club itself and seeing dollar signs if they can appreciate with minimal investment. For once we're fixed asset heavy.

A fear would be them separating church and state i.e. separating ownership of the ground from the club - though I've no reason to suspect that.

That is the big concern I raised last night. They separate the stadium off, which is where the most growth will be. I have asked around and cant get anything affirmative on that.

As I think I said last night, I dont think these are classic plunderers. The more I see it, the more I think they are medium term, active, real estate investors who see an asset play being able to be maximised in a way Moshiri cant (due to his own staff and Evertons appalling board).

The other thing shining through, from conversations is they are very well respected individuals, far beyond a lot of people involved in football clubs. How well that translates is a problem though.

Like these are worlds better than the 2 Americans in 2016.
The only thing I can find is this:

Obviously, it could well be dubious. But also, if he had any real weath we would be able to find out about it fairly easily.

I'm not really sure you can. A lot of people dont like that sort of stuff public.

The reality is as well, he will have most of it tide up in assets. If you run a fund, you're sort of expected to be fully invested.
I dont think its Everton they are buying into, (I have doubts they actually are fwiw), its the exposure to the likely explosion in TV rights for the PL. In my opinion. Think about it. Currently the PL get chunks of broadcast revenue from broadcasters. So what if the PL kept the broadcast rights themselves? Kinda Netflix on acid.

Would you pay £10 per month to watch any PL match? I would. Lob in the global reach the PL has, so say 100 million folk paying £10 pm.......Most of which goes to the clubs. Thats a billion a month, (I think).

I would speculate they like the following things:
1) Under valued company with terrible management.
Essentially a huge club that has been badly ran that they could run better

2) PL is huge growth area, and they want to control that. There is growing US influence.

3) Real estate play. There is a stadium development, which will kick on opportunities. For different reasons Moshiri may not have maximised this. They have fixed costs on that deal too, which in an inflationary environment is a big +. For guys who run a real estate fund, that I'm sure will have peaked an interest.
I dont think its Everton they are buying into, (I have doubts they actually are fwiw), its the exposure to the likely explosion in TV rights for the PL. In my opinion. Think about it. Currently the PL get chunks of broadcast revenue from broadcasters. So what if the PL kept the broadcast rights themselves? Kinda Netflix on acid.

Would you pay £10 per month to watch any PL match? I would. Lob in the global reach the PL has, so say 100 million folk paying £10 pm.......Most of which goes to the clubs. Thats a billion a month, (I think).

That makes sense.

Well for one Moshiri was a verified Billionaire.

These pair are shrouded in mystery and one of them has a reported net worth of less than Bill Kenwright.

What could possibly go wrong !
Mystery to you...but not to their high level connections.

The only thing I can find is this:

Obviously, it could well be dubious. But also, if he had any real weath we would be able to find out about it fairly easily.
latest in bollywood...sounds like a level above the financial times.

That is the big concern I raised last night. They separate the stadium off, which is where the most growth will be. I have asked around and cant get anything affirmative on that.

As I think I said last night, I dont think these are classic plunderers. The more I see it, the more I think they are medium term, active, real estate investors who see an asset play being able to be maximised in a way Moshiri cant (due to his own staff and Evertons appalling board).

The other thing shining through, from conversations is they are very well respected individuals, far beyond a lot of people involved in football clubs. How well that translates is a problem though.

Like these are worlds better than the 2 Americans in 2016.

I think Roydo may be right on the money...

The stadium seems a bit small fry really when looking at the numbers involved.

Someone who wants to make an enormous return on their money.

Moshiri has spent five years making mistakes and at last seems to learning from them.
We have seen the enormous capital gain that come from owning a football club, Moshiri found that at Arsenal.

Everton have a large loyal fanbase, will shortly have a new stadium.
If matters on the field can be sorted then it could be a very shrewd investment.
It was just a joke mate
Seems to be a goer then. Can’t lie, am really troubled by it.

Even if we don’t want to focus on the links to very disgusting people, and I mean, that’s still a massive no-no for me, do worry about what they’ll do with the stadium (Moshiri/club was going to own it, but who knows now)

They may invest, but really how much? There’s no indication to what sort of cash they have. That’s always worrying.
Do any of them have a history of involvement in running a sports operation other than Kenyon?

I think Roydo may be right on the money...

Maybe, but if I am, or even close, why would anyone sell a club today? Unless, I guess, an owner has other, more pressing reasons to do do. Which is an argument that could apply to Moshiri, perhaps.
Well for one Moshiri was a verified Billionaire.

These pair are shrouded in mystery and one of them has a reported net worth of less than Bill Kenwright.

What could possibly go wrong !
You know if these guys end up being grifting vultures that's on Moshiri right? Because he was an incompetent businessman that couldn't run a club and sold the club to a sketchy enterprise
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By god not the Yankee crew, franchise maniacs...like I said before they will finance it by putting the debt on the club, thought moshri was bad but this could terribly worse, like said on talksport Kenyon is a tyre kicker .bloody ell ticket prices will go up tell ye massively, checks moneybox o_O :oops:?
Just seen that he’s fronting the consortium linked to Steve Bannon and Nigel Farage.

No thanks.
Let’s not get too carried away about this Bannon and Farage stuff, it might be exaggerated. Thornton knows Bannon from their Goldman Sachs days. He was pictured having lunch with Bannon and Farage in 2018. At the same time he is reported to be involved with a left-leaning think tank.

Sounds very much like your typical investment guy who is all about the money and blows with the political wind. Anyone whose job involves a finger on the political pulse would’ve been interested in a lunch with Bannon and Farage in 2018 as populism was the way the wind was blowing. It doesn’t mean he is seriously ideologically aligned. And certainly, unlike the sportswashing projects, his involvement with a football club wouldn’t be in furtherance of whatever his political views are.


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Maybe, but if I am, or even close, why would anyone sell a club today? Unless, I guess, an owner has other, more pressing reasons to do do. Which is an argument that could apply to Moshiri, perhaps.

I think Moshiri is insane to sell.

If I was him, Id fund the stadium personally while continuing to invest in propping things up

An asset such as a football club of this size, with the stadium is something that cements generational wealth and would be a trophy asset for his family.

Im surprised that this group have exclusivity...id expect a far more high profile level of investor.

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