Why not exactly? Plenty of other countries pay their workforce far more.
No they don't. Six countries do pay more. Only one pays 'far more', which is Australia. The second highest is France, who pay £7.60.
Why not exactly? Plenty of other countries pay their workforce far more.
Better reasons to vote Loony:
Loony Party Manicfesto 2015
19th February 15
The A-Z of the OMRLP Manicfesto Just a sample of what you’d get by voting for insanity… …you know it makes sense! Vote now (well, on 7th May actually). Vote OMRLP!
A.AIR bags will be fitted to the Stock Exchange immediately, ready for the next crash.
B. BRITAIN will exit Europe and join the Duchy of Cornwall to benefit from tax exemptions.
C. CAPITAL Punishment will be opposed on the grounds that it is unfair to Londoners.
D. DATA will be secured, placed in a brown bag and hidden in the PM’s socks and pants drawer.
E. Education. All University Tuition fees for women would be free as we are strong believers in Female intuition. (Due to gender equality laws we would include males as well)
F. FRIVOLOUS Fraud Office setup to inspect fraud too silly for the Serious Fraud Office.
G. GREYHOUND racing will be banned to prevent the country going to the dogs.
H. HALF the grey squirrels will be painted red to increase the red squirrel population.
I. INNOCENT prisoners will be released in order to reduce prison overcrowding.
J. JOBSEEKERS will be made to stand two abreast in order to halve dole queues.
K. KIDS will be made to sit closer together on smaller desks in to reduce school class sizes.
L. LONDON Marathon free to anyone finishing in sub-2 hours wearing large clown’s shoes.
M. MEGA carwash will be created by punching holes in the roof of the Channel Tunnel.
N. NATIONAL debt will be cleared by putting it all on our credit card.
O. OAPS will qualify for a Summer Ice Lolly Allowance if temperatures exceed 70 degrees.
P. PUDDLES deeper than 3 inches will be marked by a yellow plastic duck.
Q. QUITTERS will be encouraged not to start in the first place to improve their self esteem.
R. REGULATIONS concerning car boot sales will be relaxed to permit selling of all car parts.
S.STAMP duty will be cancelled as stamps are expensive enough without having to pay duty.
T.TERRORISTS will be made to wear Bells and Horns so we know where they are.
U.UNRULY teenagers will be superglued together as if you can’t beat them, join them.
V. VEHICLES will be fitted with bungy ropes in order to save fuel on the return journey.
W. WIND farms will be created nationwide, where breaking wind will be encouraged.
X. X-RAY machines will be manned by a skeleton staff.
Y. YELLOW lines will be painted where you can park instead of where you can’t to save money.
Z. ZEBRA crossings will be made permissible to all animals wishing to cross the road
Go on ... VOTE LOONY. You know you want to
Well I'm going to vote green anyway. It's got nothing to do with the fact that I'm an al-Qaeda supporting, vegetarian, drug using immigrant prostitute.
Well done for your conviction. Tell you what have a look at Brighton where they are in charge of the council and see the mess they have made!
My post was facetious, i wasn't declaring who I will vote for. How did the Greens make a mess of Brighton?
Aw Mate, you will have to research that for your self, I am unable to direct you to specific sites or news. I do know they completely messed up the recycling and much more with their ideas.
As a side note, if you're comparing other countries minimum wages to your own, possibly a better way of looking at it would be a percentage figure compared to the average wage of said country? As others have pointed out, living expenses vary.
In NZ, the minimum wage is around 6 pounds. But everything is relatively cheaper.
I'd half expect commodities to be well above average there...just from an isolation factor. Especially considering the countries rugged beauty doesn't exactly scream farmland/grazing land.
We're very self sufficient, and export a lot more. Heaps of farmland mate.
Yeah...I reckon I didn't factor in the population. Throw Honshu's population there, and it's a different story.
10 points for NZ.
We're very self sufficient, and export a lot more. Heaps of farmland mate.
I read recently that NZ farmers are amongst the most efficient in the world. They had all of their subsidies scrapped a wee while ago so they had to shape up to survive, which they seem to have done really well. It was in the Economist and all, so you'd imagine they're not that sad about subsidies going, so not sure how true it is.
Very true. It caused a massive upheaval at the time because NZ farmers thought they'd go bankrupt but by discovering stuff such as Kiwi Fruit could actually be exported & people would eat it and by abandoning animal welfare (& I could tell you some horror stories), they managed to adapt and produce food at world prices and became export leaders. They also have a strong farm owned co-ops.
In this country, we take EU farm regs and gold plate them. It gives the consumer every confidence in eating UK sourced food (and rightly so) so I would urge every GOT member to try and buy British where possible ....... especially milk. It's 96% fat free and has essential vitamins, fats necessary for human welfare and is damned tasty.
Support your British farmers