Arsenal fan
That's a flat out lie. How on earth can you say that to left wingers? UKIP are the anti-thesis of big government, what you'd get with a hypothetical UKIP govt is a massive income re-distribution from the poor to the rich. There will be cuts to everything, from social welfare right down to defence and police force. Nigel Farage himself said in the link you provided the top rate of tax is 40%, that's the top rate as well as tax cuts for the poorest. That means there will be no money coming into government, which means there will be no money coming OUT of govt.Realistically, the next most likely party (after Labour) would be UKIP, but again, it's whether or not you'd see them as an improvement. I personally don't think their policies are anywhere near as bad as the Tories.
Let nobody make any mistake, UKIP is a party by the rich, for the rich. The Conservative party are not like that, there are big government conservatives amongst the Tories (I myself am a big government conservative).