Context isn't really the issue, laissez faire capitalism is laissez faire capitalism, it's an ideology that is centuries old - and it's perfectly clear that neither Reagan or Thatcher ever implemented laissez faire policies. They were capitalists, but they were capitalists who also believed that the state had a necessary role to play in employing people and regulating markets. That isn't laissez faire capitalism, no matter what context it is looked in.
It's not an 'idea' that we don't have laissez faire capitalism now, it's a fact. Anybody who thinks we live in anything like a laissez faire capitalistic system clearly has no idea what laissez faire means. We have a corporatist system, which is basically an ugly mix of Capitalism and Social Democracy.
In a laissez faire system, governments wouldn't be in the pockets of big business, because they wouldn't have any power over big business.[/QUOTE]
Don't even know what you mean by that?
Governments do what they are told, that is the reason there is no contest to a laissez faire system.
What exists is basically a cartel of business with enablers acting out a pantomime
lais·sez faire also
lais·ser faire (l
, l
1. An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws.
2. Noninterference in the affairs of others.
so if the 'governments' are doing the bidding of the corporations on what basis can they be interfering? Hence a laissez faire system