No, life has been changes over time. People now have certain rights that they fought for. They were not benevolently granted by The King or put in place by some Tory thinktank.
I think you're striving for everyone to be equal though, and that's never going to happen. I mean even giving people the 'right' of 'free' education or healthcare doesn't mean that they're going to take advantage of it and become learned and healthy. As per the prayer I mentioned, I think you're trying to change something you have absolutely no control over.
But it does. That simply isn't true.
I don't see how. Obviously in a world determined by chaos theory and all that, we all influence each other to an extent, but I simply don't believe that taxing the rich more or banning private schools would suddenly make those that don't value education at the moment, value it.
I find it quite repulsive, to be honest. "Give me the wisdom to know my place."
Repulsive? Really? That seems an extreme reaction to me. Maybe you're applying your own predispositions to the words and taking something from it that doesn't really exist. I'm short for instance. I can dislike that all I like, but I can't change it, so there's no point stressing over it. My fitness levels or my knowledge however, are things I can change, so I do my best to do so.
That's how I read it. How you took that and turned it into a class warfare thing I don't know
Again, this is simply not true. I'm quite amazed at what you're saying here.
It isn't healthy to be so obsessed by what others do or don't have. The only person you can control in life is yourself. Sure, you can influence others, but ultimately what they do is down to them.
Well, some do, some don't - you are being overly simplistic to suit your argument. And I'd say that children always have a hugely strong belief in fairness. Over time of course, we knock that out of them.
I wouldn't say that the fairness thing is knocked out of people. Robert Axelrod has showed pretty conclusively how intrinsic cooperation and fairness is to the way we behave.
Yes, and it would seem I have much higher expectations of my Government (as an agent of the society I live in) than you do.
Oh, I have high expectations of them, but I also appreciate their very real limits. I don't think they can be all things to all people, and I don't think they're the answer to every problem.