I love the way some people think they have all the brains and everyone else is a moron. People like me who back Kenwright think that in the current situation he is the best option.
I would love to see a Billionaire take over who wouldn't? But I think most Evertonians have the brains to see ,we have an ageing ground in the wrong part of the country.
Instead of continually criticising why doesn't some one from BU come up with a plan.
No one is asking for a billionaire, someone who has some money and actual business sense, who isn't as tight as a nuns downstairs would be decent.
Why SHOULD someone from BU come up with a plan? give me one good reason why they should?
They do not OWN the club these morons you support, yes Bill Kenwright is an absolute top notch moron, should be the ones coming up with plans or at least seeking people out who are better than them to come up with one.
Fact is BU have shown more ambition and better sense then the plebs who run our club.
Whether you like it or not, Kenwright, and his cronies are fraud men, they're all yes men to the regime of setting themselves up for a easy ride, little spent outwards on things, getting a nice wage for themselves without having to put anything into the club at all.
Most evertonians, because thankfully people like you are now in the minority are starting to see what failures of people we have running our club, we have a aging ground, but we knew that ten years ago where was the plan to sort that out? i'll tell you where the plan is, down the drain 3 failures in stadium moves, we don't own a thing, everything about our club is a joke.