Foot Long Hot Dog
Player Valuation: A packet of pork scratchings
Well, there's the rub of it. Such are the appalling politics at the club that the shareholders are presently trying to persuade the board/majority owners to reinstate the mechanism by which those questions might be asked. So you can see how the curiosity will continue into the future when and if the SA appeal is knocked back.
You give the impression it's all a matter of procedure and that channels are available to clear the matter up. That's either willfully misleading or supremely naive. The majoriity owners want everything to do with running the club left vague. Clarity is their enemy.
Elstone's lame list of lawnmowers, paint, shinpads and jumpers for goalposts is as good as it's going to get.
....still we are forced to continue to wonder what's really in that catch-all other operating costs category.
The re-instating of the AGM's should happen (even if the format is maybe altered & proxys banned) as the shareholders need an opportunity to air their opinions & ask relevant questions.
With regards to your second paragraph, you suggest I could be wilfully misleading & then post a highly subjective opinion as 'fact' lol. If you have proof that a shareholder has asked for some level of detail around the numbers & been flatly refused then I'm sure you'll share it..............
The relish with how you view this cost area is quite funny tbh, as if it's some pandoras box that when unlocked will provide the key to finishing Kenwright.
The reality will be a mundane list of costs, that provide no insight into anything, but would no doubt lead to a conspiracy theory around the high costs of bog rolls & a dubious link to Kenwright owning shares in a wood mulching plant in Borneo.
The point I've been trying to make throughout, is that the intimation of wrong doing around this subject adds nothing to the cause for change. As I'm an advocate for change, but have no personal hatred of Kenwright & find baseless mud slinging of this nature distasteful & I therefore have to correct what left unchallenged could make people come to the totally worng conclusion.
There's been some absolute pony spouted about this issue, by people who quite frankly have no idea what they're talking about.